What to Expect
in a
Kinesiology Session

 " What to expect during a Kinesiology Balance"

During your Kinesiology balance, you may experience different sensations. If you don't its OK.

I balance the blockages and resistance or issues that have been in the way of your experiencing wellness and well-being.

It’s these blockages and resistance that cause our imbalances. I move energy and create change within your body.

"Without change everything stays the same"

How many sessions will you need? 

As Kinesiology works with a layering approach, you may have several layers of the same problem. 

It's hard to know how many sessions you will need to help you with your area of concern. 

From experience, I find that after an average of 3-6 sessions, you should start seeing some changes to confirm we are on the right path.
But remember, if it’s an issue you’ve had for a long time, it can take more sessions to really get to the root of the problem. 

These changes generally last, but if we suffer another trauma - either physical or emotional - then it may manifest again. Sometimes in different ways, the next time is usually easier to clear.

A Kinesiology session uses your body’s natural healing energy to create new pathways. In doing so it gives you a chance to make new choices easily and with less stress

I look forward to connecting with you & supporting you through Kinesiology.

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