Hormonal Support

Let’s balance your Hormones
to support your
overall health & well-being

Kinesiology can help with balancing your hormones & support
your overall health & well-being.

Whether we are male or female, our hormones play an impressive role in our overall health and well-being.

Adrenal Fatigue and Stress

Stress impacts us all in our day to day lives, which has massive implications for our long-term health. Kinesiology helps to reduce the stress in the kidneys and adrenal glands to bring balance and harmony throughout the body. The results may be far-reaching, given the connection between the brain and your hormones. It may also improve the body’s ability to maximise nutrition.


It’s alarming how many people are not getting either enough sleep, or good enough quality sleep. Kinesiology can support the pineal gland within the brain which can assist you to sleep better. Improved sleeping patterns have been shown to improve overall mood and feelings of well-being.

Reproductive Imbalances

There are so many ways that kinesiology can support the reproductive systems of both men and women. From aspects such as rebalancing hormones to supporting the body on a cellular level.


Menopause is a frustrating and uncomfortable transition for many women. By helping to balance the hormones, kinesiology can support women through this challenging time, reducing their discomfort and easing the process.

Kinesiology will work to balance your hormones that are affected by going through the different stages of Menopause.

As your hormones are continuously changing through the stages of menopause, It’s important to commit to regular balancing for support in this area.

Period Pain

Not only can kinesiology help to balance the hormones that may be causing discomfort, it can also help to ease the stress contained within the pelvic region.

Thyroid Health

Stress in the thyroid can lead to hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Kinesiology can help to balance the thyroid by diffusing the stress that it is holding on to - much the same way as we relieve the stress in muscles.


Kinesiology may help to reduce sweet cravings and balance blood sugar levels in those experiencing pancreatic insufficiency by balancing your Spleen/ Pancreas organs.

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