How does it work

How does it work & how will Kinesiology support you?

Kinesiology is a stress management system that can support anyone with their general health and well-being.

I use a gentle muscle monitoring technique that allows me to access your subconscious mind.
As we work together, I navigate your body and release any emotions that are known to cause any imbalances.

I facilitate the session to follow the trail of clues to the origin of the problem that’s creating stress in your body systems.
It’s a truly holistic process that enables you to transform your body, mind and soul as one.

Boulder Analogy

An analogy that I like to use to describe Kinesiology is thinking of your body as a river trying to flow, but it has huge boulders in its path. These boulders are the imbalances within your life or in the body.

It’s my aim to communicate with these boulders to de-stress them, while remembering and being mindful that each boulder is like an onion and will likely have several layers.

I will work with the layer that is ready to surface and will often integrate working with a few boulders in one session (multiple areas in your body) or I can simply work in depth with one area.

I then de-stress the areas that show and balance the energy, to create a sense of flow which is known as “Homeostasis”.

My aim is to defuse those boulders so the river can flow freely again, which means you have a sense of balance within your mind, body & soul.

It can depend on how big the imbalances are or for how long they’ve been there. Sometimes, it can simply be about creating a sense of understanding how to manage your imbalances differently.

Either way, Kinesiology will support you along your journey to feel calmer, more connected and at peace within yourself.

In simple terms, continue reading…

In a Nutshell….

I use a gentle muscle monitoring technique that allows me to access your subconscious mind.

Your body then guides me to the origin of the problem creating stress in your body systems.

We work together while I follow the trail of clues to release any emotions that are known to cause any physical harm and imbalances

Secret Language…

I communicate with your muscle feedback system by using Mudras & formats touching the Acupressure points of the Chinese Meridian systems. This is known as a Kinesiologist’s secret language.
Mudras are hand signals that have a certain vibration & meaning. Using Mudras and formatting within the Chinese meridian system, I investigate the areas that we need to de-stress and balance within your mind, body and soul.
Each time I discover an area, your muscle shows me an indicator change, and I just follow the trail of clues - like a detective - working with your body’s innate ability to heal itself while I facilitate the session. This brings your body back into a state of balance known as Homeostasis.

Onion layers…

You may have heard a Kinesiologist say "Your body is like an Onion"

Let me explain how a Kinesiology session is a bit like peeling an onion!
As we work together to gently realign your energy systems, your body will present to me the area to work with, and identify which layer is ready to surface and be balanced.

I then work with the layer that is on the surface and ready for de-stressing and balancing.
This means that each Session will only take you to what you’re ready for & a Kinesiology session will never take you to where you’re not ready for.

Are you ready to peel back your layers to align your energy
to enhance your general health and well being ?

How KINESIOLOGY can help support you.

Kinesiology will help you by de-stressing the area of concern and will help rebalance the energy systems so you start to feel calmer, stronger and you’ll start to react differently in stressful situations.
I support you by creating change for you to be able to make better choices in your life.

Let Kinesiology also help you develop stronger coping mechanisms and just feel a great sense of inner peace and connectedness. This is where you feel really good on the inside and with your overall mental health and well-being.

Virtually everyone who’s had stress in their life or who’s currently experiencing stress will benefit from having Kinesiology and Adrenal support. The Adrenals are the body’s regulator of the fight and flight mechanism, and in today’s fast paced society our Adrenals suffer constantly.

Kinesiology can help balance the Adrenals, which will make getting up in the morning easier and reduce feelings of tiredness and fatigue. Even vague symptoms like general muscle & joint aches, having trouble making decisions, and catching every cold that goes around can all be signs of imbalanced Adrenal glands.

Using Kinesiology to reduce your feelings of stress and support your body’s inner coping mechanisms can help change how you feel and react in stressful situations.

It’s also a great way to help improve your coping mechanisms for anxiety as it releases the inner tensions and stress from your mind as well as your body.

I look forward to supporting you through kinesiology.


What do I wear?

As I monitor muscles it is best to wear something comfortable to your session, preferably pants or shorts.

If you get cold while lying down please bring layers and socks to keep your feet warm.
I will have the temperature set according to the weather for your comfort.

How many sessions will I need?

As Kinesiology works with a layering approach, you may have several layers of the same problem. 

It's hard to know how many sessions you will need to help you with your area of concern. 

From experience, you should start seeing some changes to confirm we’re on the right path with an average of 3-6 sessions. But remember, if it’s an issue you’ve had for a long time - it can take more sessions to really get to the root of the problem. 

These changes generally last, but if we suffer another trauma - either physical or emotional - then it may manifest again.

Sometimes in different ways, the next time is usually easier to clear.

A Kinesiology session uses your body’s natural healing energy to create new pathways. In doing so, it gives you a chance to make new choices easily and with less stress

What parking is available?

Please allow the time to get a parking space so you are ready for your appointment.

  • UNLIMITED parking is available in the surrounding side streets

  • 1 Hour FREE parking is available on South Terrace

What payment options are available?

  • Cash or a Bank transfer is preferred

  • Bank account details will be supplied after the session.

  • Eftpos options are available but will incur an additional 1.9% fee