Belinda Aditya Belinda Aditya

Alopecia - Client Testimonial

My kinesiology journey began 4 years ago after my daughter Daisy, who was 3 at the time, was diagnosed with alopecia areata universalis.

Suddenly one day she began losing her hair for no reason. Within 6 weeks she was 90% bald & after 3 long agonising months she had lost every single hair on her body, including eye lashes, brows, nostril hairs - everything.

We embarked on a treatment journey for Daisy, seeing multiple specialists, trying treatment after treatment, with no luck. Due to the severity of her alopecia she was given a less than 3% chance of her hair ever re-growing.

Despite these grim odds, I was determined to leave no stone unturned and try everything possible (within reason) to help her hair re-grow.

After almost a year of exhausting all conventional treatment options as well as naturopathy and homeopathy, I decided to book Daisy in to see Belinda for some Kinesiology.

What happened next is nothing short of a miracle.

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Belinda Aditya Belinda Aditya

Winter Blues- Why does my Mood and Motivation change in Winter ?

Learn how to stay Energised and Motivated during Winter.

As we find ourselves in the winter season, many of us may find that we can struggle with having mood swings, a decrease in motivation, and simply just lack in energy.

The colder weather, shorter days, and reduced sunlight can have a significant impact on our overall well-being.

In this short article you will learn strategies that you can implement to maintain your vitality and stay motivated during the winter months.

I wanted to share with you below a few valuable insights as a health and wellness practitioner to help you combat the winter blues and keep your spirits high.

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Belinda Aditya Belinda Aditya

How can I manage Life’s ups & down better?

Life is full of ups and downs, sometimes it can feel like we are on a roller-coaster and other times it is all smooth sailing.

We never really know what will be thrown at us and it is when we are not expecting something that it can take us by surprise.

✨ Do you like to have a plan and do you like life to go to your plan?

✨ Do you get thrown off when life throws you a curve ball?

✨ Would you like to have more mental flexibility for change?

It is important for us have good strategies in place to help us manage the challenges that we face.

Here are a few tips to help you navigate the ups and downs of life:

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Belinda Aditya Belinda Aditya

Healing ourselves isn’t always easy as you have to do the work.

Often I hear clients say I just want someone to fix me or do it for me.

Without change everything will stay the same no matter what we are presented with.

The first step to change is having awareness and without you showing up willing and open I cannot do what I do.

You just have to trust the process and take the pressure of yourself as to where you need to be and allow yourself to go through the journey.

I can have two clients walk through the door with the same issue that they want support with.

I can guarantee you that both of their sessions will be completely different.

Why is this you ask?

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Belinda Aditya Belinda Aditya

How can I use Affirmations to create change?

Everything is Energy and has a vibration

The benefits of using affirmations.

✨ To support you in times of stress with creating a positive outlook

✨ To help motivate you with achieving your personal goals

✨ Assist you with changing negative mindset into a positive one

✨ To help you boost your self-esteem

✨ Move you forward out of feeling stuck into a more positive outlook

✨Support you with the journey of self-love and appreciation

✨Help you with ruminating thoughts and anxiety

How do I use Affirmations in my daily life ?

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Belinda Aditya Belinda Aditya

How can I calm my Anxiety through the uncertain times.

Our current climate is full of uncertainty and is constantly changing.

How do you cope with the unknown?

Do you feel uncomfortable with not knowing what is ahead?

As we are heading into uncertain times and the unknown, would you like to feel in an inner strength to be able to face the challenges that you are facing?

Learn my 3 tips to Calm your Anxiety through these uncertain times.

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Mental Health Belinda Aditya Mental Health Belinda Aditya

How can I build my Self-Confidence

Learning how to love & accept yourself for you who you are is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
Life is about you walking your path to the best of your abilities to feel comfortable and confident with who you are to allow yourself to shine.
Learn the difference between self-esteem & self-confidence, & some valuable tips on how to build your self-confidence to truly love and accept who you are.

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Health & Wellbeing Belinda Aditya Health & Wellbeing Belinda Aditya

Can I find the balance between the Mind, Body & Soul?

Your Personal maintenance is the key to staying in balance in all areas of your life.

The mind, body and soul are intertwined, and each have to be nourished to maintain wellness and contentment It is the combination of exercise, eating healthy food & having a healthy lifestyle along with Kinesiology that is life changing.

Learn how you can have a balance between the 3 pillars….

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Alternate Health and wellbeing Belinda Aditya Alternate Health and wellbeing Belinda Aditya

How can Flower essences support my Emotional well-being

Flower Essences will support you to shift any negative emotions, thoughts patterns or beliefs that are holding you back to be able to unlock your full potential to bring about harmony and balance within.

Using flower essences will allow you to come into connection with who we are and will assist in balancing your emotional well-being.

Signs that our Emotional well-being is in need of support are:-

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Alternate Health and wellbeing Belinda Aditya Alternate Health and wellbeing Belinda Aditya

How can I improve my Immune system in winter

We want to be armed and ready to combat the common cold and flu viruses that winter brings our way.

It’s time to make sure you and your family are doing all the right things to take care of yourself this winter. It’s not just during the winter months that we need to take care of our physical and mental health, but in winter we do need to take extra care.

“Let’s look at how we can boost our Immune System“

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What to Expect Belinda Aditya What to Expect Belinda Aditya

What can I expect in a Kinesiology Session?

Have you been curious on what happens in a Kinesiology session?

Most people are curious to know a little bit more about Kinesiology or what to expect in your first session or what Kinesiologists call a balance.

So, what exactly is involved in a Kinesiology session / Balance you might be asking yourself?

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